Training / Clinics

Creating happy, confident, relaxed and willing horses

Training / Clinics

Creating happy, confident, relaxed and willing horses

Liberty clinic

6-7 july 2024

Cody is hosting a liberty clinic on 6-7 July 2024

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    Cody is available to

    Host clinics

    Undertake one-on-one sessions

    Analyse video footage

    Take on horses for training

    Training sessions can take place locally, on the NSW Central Coast, or at regional, interstate or international venues.

    Over 30 years of experience AND TRUST

    Cody Rawson-Harris has been working with my horses for a number of years now, including my Olympic mount Boogie Woogie and World Cup Horse Calanta. I have watched him work with these horses and was impressed with his ability to gain their respect and confidence, and teach both them and me to better cope with the stress of high level international competition conditions. Since working with Cody I have noticed a great improvement in these horses when preparing and performing, in their ability to stay focused on their job and not be distracted or upset by their surroundings.

    Cody also did a great job breaking in a rather nervous and tense young mare, for me, with great results.

    I believe he is a very highly skilled horseman and uses humane and logical methods in all his work with equines.

    Mary Hanna

    Australian dressage Olympian