
What Cody's Clients Say about his Training Services

Experienced and skilled as a horseman and trainer

Over the years Cody has accrued scores of endorsements from satisfied clients from many areas of the horse world.

Read some recent of the recent testimonials here.

Gitte Donvig Grand Prix rider

‘I have worked with Cody Rawson Harris at various times over the last five years and am in complete admiration of his skills as a horseman. His compassion for his equine charges and professionalism is second to none. I have personally witnessed him work with many different kinds of horses in varied circumstances. I have entrusted him with my good Grand Prix level horse, leaving it in his care at his property for a six-week period and what he accomplished in this time with regard to the horse's behaviour was amazing. When I picked up my horse he was able to demonstrate what he had achieved easily and my horse was sound and happy in both mind and body. I have had Cody come in to my own stables on numbers of occasions to work with both mine and my clients horses as well as utilising his services to better educate my staff in better horse handling practices. I have even employed his services to assist with handling horses at major competitions, namely the January Boneo CDI, an international level dressage event.
I have no hesitation in recommending Cody in all areas of horsemanship. I would happily speak to anyone about his skills and professional conduct now or at anytime in the future.’

Grand Prix horse rider
Gitte Donvig
NCAS accredited coach, Grand Prix rider, State Senior Squad member - Owner/Manager, Donvig Dressage Stables
Mary Hanna – Australian Dressage Olympian

"Cody Rawson-Harris has been working with my horses for a number of years now, including my Olympic mount Boogie Woogie and World Cup Horse Calanta. I have watched him work with these horses and was impressed with his ability to gain their respect and confidence, and teach both them and me to better cope with the stress of high level international competition conditions.

Since working with Cody I have noticed a great improvement in these horses when preparing and performing, in their ability to stay focused on their job and not be distracted or upset by their surroundings. Cody also did a great job breaking in a rather nervous and tense young mare, for me, with great results.  I believe he is a very highly skilled horseman and uses humane and logical methods in all his work with equines."

Cody worked with Calanta in January 2018 – In February 2020 Mary and this Grand Prix mare were recently awarded a record-breaking score of over 80% at a 4* international dressage event held in NSW.

Australian Dressage Olympian
Mary Hanna
Australian Dressage Olympian - BA. Dip Ed, NCAS (level 3 Dressage Specialist)
Black Beauty

‘The horse team driven by liberty trainer Cody Rawson-Harris and Elbrus Ourtaev brought our wildly talented horses and the spirit of Black Beauty to life in ways I could never have imagined. The South African heartbeat simply resonates throughout our film with its joy, and I am so proud of what we have crafted. The journey has just begun. I can’t wait to debut the film and Anna Sewell’s powerful messages very soon.’

Disney's Black Beauty Film Cover - Cody Rawson-Harris was the expert movie horse trainer for this film.
Ashley Avis Winters
Director - Black Beauty